The back to school season is coming up fast, and we want to support some of the students and teachers in Graham who are in the greatest need this year. That’s why we’ve decided to do our Stuff the Bus campaign a little differently. This year, we are partnering with nearby Newlin Elementary to collect much-needed classroom and school supplies for their two Exceptional Children classrooms. Our vision is to see these classes fully equipped so these teachers have everything they need to help their amazing kids learn and thrive this year.

Donations are needed by Sunday, August 18th.

How to Participate in Stuff the Bus:

1. Shop and Drop: Grab the supply list below before you head shopping. Pickup anything off the list, and bring it to the church. We’ll have our Volkswagen bus parked right out front during our Sunday morning services to collect donation drop-offs.


2. Monetary Donations: Select the “Outreach” fund when giving online. We’ll use outreach donations collected to help purchase some of the bigger ticket items that are needed


Thank you so much for your generosity! We’re excited to show our community what the love of Jesus looks like!

Please contact us at with any questions.