Intimately Us App
You don’t want lovemaking to get routine or get so low on the priority list it becomes an afterthought! Afterall, isn’t great sex a part of a vibrant marriage & life? Intimately Us is the fun and sexy app for your marriage! It’s full of games, activities, and resources that bust bedroom boredom. The whole app is clean (not crass & raunchy), so you can spice it up without the yuck!
Awesome Marriage
Are you married? Is your marriage struggling? Are you engaged or in a serious dating relationship? Awesome Marriage is here with tools and resources to equip you on your journey, no matter what it looks like! Awesome Marriages has books, podcasts, weekly email challenges, courses and bible reading plans to provide you and your partner with resources to help your marriage thrive, help you fight for your marriage or equip you for the next step in your relationship.
Marriage Mentors
Every marriage goes through ups and downs, and we’ve all experienced difficult moments where we really weren’t sure what was the best next step. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a Christ-centered, seasoned couple coming alongside you and your spouse to help you work through those situations? That’s what Marriage Mentors is all about. This isn’t about counseling or therapy, and it isn’t meant to take their place. While we believe counseling and therapy are extremely important and valuable, we also know that, sometimes, all it takes is someone with some experience and the right toolbox to make the way a little clearer.