Welcome to the Trailhead Mom's Group! This group is to help support and encourage all moms in every season! Each month we will plan a fun and exciting activity where we, as the awesome moms that we are, and all of our adorable little sweethearts can come together in fellowship! Events will be planned at various times and dates to accommodate every mom's busy schedule! We look forward to taking the time to get to know each other and build strong relationships as we serve the Lord together! Just know that this group is here for YOU, we are all here to show love and to let you know that you are not alone!!

The Legal Stuff

By participating in this group, its activities, or completing the form below, you acknowledge that you understand the inherent risks involved and agree to participate at your own risk. You also agree to assume full responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury that may occur as a result of your participation in this group or its activities, and you hereby waive all claims against Trailhead Church, its representatives or group leaders.

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